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Want to Feel like a Rebel? 5 Reasons to grow out Your Grey Hair

Updated: Apr 10

We learn a lot about how we view ourselves and the fears we have associated with going grey and getting older when we make the decision to embrace the grey

Ditching the hair dye is a big decision for women.The pressures from society are real and depending on where you live in the world it can also vary greatly.

5 bad ass reasons to ditch the dye and let you silvers shine!

A collage of a woman with long curly part-grey hair.

Growing out your natural grey hair can boost confidence through embracing your authentic look but it can be really challenging too. The process is quite long and many women find themselves always finding a reason as to why this isn’t quite the right time to ditch the hair dye.  There may be a family wedding coming up, a business meeting, a first date. You can plan all you want but the timing is never going to be perfect so you have to choose whether or not you are going to go through with it and just do it.

I now look back fondly at my transition photos and think how proud I am of her for and all that’s she’s learned. That she went to that event like that! That she defined her beauty and owned it.  

Are you ready to ditch the dye?

Back view of a woman in an orange sweater standing in the snow.

A collage of a woman with long hair.
Here are 5 reasons Ditching the Dye will help you tap into your Rebel Energy!


1. Authentic Self-Expression

Growing out your natural grey hair is a natural and authentic expression of who you truly are. Embracing your natural beauty, including the silver strands, allows you to present yourself to the world without any pretense, fostering a sense of confidence rooted in genuine self-acceptance.  I try to demonstrate this in my Instagram reels through showing all sides of me.  Filtered and not.


2. Embracing Aging with a pro-ageing perspective: Choosing to grow out your grey hair signifies a positive embrace of the aging process. It reflects a confidence in navigating different life stages, showcasing that you not only accept but celebrate the wisdom, experience and privilege that comes with age. Learning the differences between pro-aging and anti-aging helps people to be more language conscious in expressing perspectives with others.

3. Breaking Free from Societal Expectations: Confidence flourishes when you break free from societal expectations. Choosing to let your natural grey hair shine challenges conventional beauty norms, demonstrating a bold self-assurance that refuses to conform to external pressures and standards.  This was a main factor in my decision.  I want women to feel freedom through my transition and to normalize grey hair at all ages.  I have seen so many women on Instagram embracing their grey hair in the 20’s and 30’s.  Let’s break the stigmas and normalize ageing and silver hair so it no longer has to be a part of the conversation for women.

A collage of a woman.

4. Celebrating Individuality

Each silver strand in your natural grey hair is unique, just like you. By allowing your hair to grow out naturally, you celebrate the individuality of your journey and appearance. This unique silver hair patterning contributes to an enhanced sense of what makes you distinct. 

I thought my hair was going to grow in SO white.  My temples are very light but I have a darker upper strip and a lot of dark and salt and pepper hair.  I also have larger silver highlighted streaks. It’s absolutely fascinating to see all the women with their unique patterning a styles.

5. Simplified Beauty Routine, Enhanced Confidence: Growing out your natural grey hair often simplifies your beauty routine, freeing you from the constant upkeep of hair coloring. This simplicity not only saves time and money but it gives you a look that literally no other human can have.  I think that’s pretty neat.

I feel passionate about normalizing grey hair in society for women of all ages.

In order for that to happen people need to see women with grey hair of all ages. They also need to hear, know and learn that it is fully OK TO GO GRAY ANYDAY IN ANYWAY and then the conversation can go away.

Where are you at in the journey?

Have you thought about letting your natural hair grow in or to let you silvers shine!?

Are you already fully grown in?

A woman taking a selfie in a kitchen.

🤍🩷 I am Jenn @embracingthesilverlining on Instagram where I also share an abundance of support, encouragement and education (daily updates, my hair shares and stares etc.)

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